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HTA Disclaimer

Katharine Andrews is an ordained minister, who has studied and practiced energy healing techniques, and intuitive reading and long distance healing. The theory behind these modalities is that subtle energies effect change in the energy fields of the human body. Katharine Andrews only administers energy work and intuitive abilities to people of their own free will.


Under Washington state law Katharine Andrews is not a state licensed physician or a licensed mental health practitioner of any sort. Katharine Andrews will NOT diagnose or prescribe medicines or medical treatments or recommend discontinuing legal drugs or controlled substances prescribed by an appropriate licensed practitioner.


Katharine Andrews neither encourages nor discourages contacting a state licensed physician.

The state does not license energy work or treatments. Such treatment is considered alternative or complementary to healing services licensed by Washington State.


I affirm that I alone am responsible to decide whether to receive energy healing treatments and intuitive readings from Katharine Andrews and hereby agree to irrevocably release Katharine Andrews from any and all liability whatsoever. 


I have read the Disclosure and Release. I understand the contents of this and voluntarily choose to receive any of the energy treatments described on this site. Please complete and submit the form below.

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